
Book your Appointment

All appointments are now booked online, between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday.



Information About Your Appointment

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Home Visits Requests

All Home Visit requests should be completed as early as possible using the most appropriate questionnaire.

Book a Home Visit via SystmOnline.

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Pharmacy & Self-Care

Your pharmacy can advise you on minor illness without the need of an appointment. Please speak to a pharmacist first.


Help and support available from many National and Local Organisations


Pharmacy Logo

Pharmacy & Self-Care

Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can offer clinical advice, over the counter medicines and their use, to effectively and safely manage a range of minor health concerns. They can also help you to decide whether you'll need to see a doctor. You don't need an appointment and you won't even be asked to make a purchase. Every pharmacy also has a private consultation area for you to talk about your symptoms in private if you prefer.

Locate your local Pharmacy

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Life Threatening - Go to A&E

If you or someone you know has a life-threatening condition, such as loss of consciousness, chest pain, breathing difficulties etc, you should call 999

In an EMERGENCY call 999.
Emergencies are situations that cannot be managed at home and may be life threatening

Clinical Surgery Times

Appointments are available between the following hours:

Day Monday Morning 8:30am - 12:30pm Afternoon 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Day Tuesday Morning 8:30am - 12:30pm Afternoon 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Day Wednesday Morning 8:30am - 12:30pm Afternoon 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Day Thursday Morning 8:30am - 12:30pm Afternoon 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Day Friday Morning 8:30am - 12:30pm Afternoon 2:00pm - 5:30pm

Appointment Reminders

We can now send you a confirmation and reminder text message about your appointment. If you are happy to receive a message by SMS text please let reception know or fill out this consent to leave messages form.

Enhanced Access

As part of the government drive to enable patients to access GP appointments from 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week, we offer an Enhanced Access service through our Primary Care Network (PCN) for our patients. The service offers remote telephone and face-to-face appointments with a variety of clinicians, including GPs, Nurses and Pharmacists and are available throughout the week and Saturdays.

The appointments are pre-bookable only and appointments can be made via the surgery.

To access these appointments you must be willing to consent to the sharing of your medical record.

Help Us to Help You

Please follow this useful advice to help make our appointment system run a smoothly as possible

  • Please turn up in good time for your appointments. We apologise if we sometimes run late. We do our best to keep to time.  We do advise to leave an extra 30 minutes after the start of your appointment time to be seen and to account for any delays.
  • Have a think about what you would like to discuss with the doctor beforehand and work out what is the most important issue to be dealt with. If you have multiple problems please do not be offended if you are asked to make another appointment, as more time may be required to deal effectively with each issue.
  • Use your doctor's appointment wisely. Different health professionals including clinical pharmacists, paramedics, nurses, health care assistants, physiotherapist and physician associates can help you too and may be able to deal with your problem more appropriately.
  • Unless you have been asked to come in for a medication review with your doctor it is best not to see a doctor for a repeat prescription request. Simply fill in the form at reception or request the medication on the website.