
Riverside Medical Practice offers a full range of General Medical Services and Enhanced Medical Services which includes:

  • Cervical Smears
  • Children's Immunisations
  • Child Health Surveillance
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Contraception Services
  • Ear Microsuction
  • Essential Medical Services
  • Maternity Services
  • Mental Health Services
  • NHS Health Checks
  • Services for Young People
  • Sickness Certification
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Travel Vaccinations
  • Vaccination and Immunisations

Our Clinics and Services

More information on many of our NHS funded services and clinics can be found below:

Antenatal Care

Routine antenatal check-ups are undertaken by a qualified midwife (at Horsham Hospital). Post-natal checks can be made with your GP by appointment.

Asthma Clinics

Regular check-ups and advice are available from our Practice Nurses on lifestyle, inhaler techniques and medication.

Cervical Smear Tests

Smears are usually performed by the Practice Nurse. The ideal time is midway between periods.  We operate a recall system and contact women when their test is due. We recommend that women have a test at least every 3 years between the ages of 25 and 49 and then every 5 years between the ages of 50 and 64.

Child Immunisations

These are carried out by our Practice Nurses. Please telephone for an appointment when you are sent a reminder about due immunisations. We strongly encourage all parents to have their children fully immunised.

Contraceptive Services & Family Planning

Our family planning nurse is happy to give advice on contraception and sexual health. Intrauterine contraception devices (IUCD, Coils, Mirena) and the contraceptive implant can be fitted by appointment with Dr Sadiq. Emergency contraception is available at this surgery. Please ring at 8:00am and speak to the receptionist and ask for an urgent appointment with either the nurse or a doctor, indicating the reason for your request.

Diabetes Clinics

Regular reviews and diabetes management by appointment with our GPs and diabetes nurses.

Flu Vaccination

Flu vaccination is safe and effective. It's offered every year through the NHS to help protect people at risk of getting seriously ill from flu.

Maternity Services

New Pregnancy Referral Pathway – Information for Women

  • Decide what hospital you would like to give birth with
  • Go to that hospital website and complete an online maternity referral form
  • That hospital will then be in contact when you are about 10 weeks pregnant with scan and booking in appointments

East Surrey Hospital (Redhill)

Worthing Hospital & Chichester Hospitals

Princess Royal Hospital (Haywards Heath)

Royal Surrey Hospital (Guildford)

Any queries the Horsham midwives can be contacted via answerphone 01403 227017 (messages retrieved daily)

Mental Health Services

A range of services are available. If you think you might benefit from these services, please discuss the matter with the clinician at the practice. They may suggest sources of help to which you can refer yourself or they may refer you to the CMH Team. After an initial assessment you may be referred on to a counsellor or other professional.


This service is provided by Dr Davies, Dr Patel and Nurse Mairi Hibberd. You will firstly need an appointment with the nurse for an ear check where you will be advised of instructions you need to follow prior to having ear microsuction carried out.

Sickness Certification

You are responsible for completing a Self Certificate for the first 7 days of any illness (includes non-working days), using form SC2, available from your employer or online at the UK Government website. Your employer is legally bound to accept a Self Certificate and you do not need to see a doctor for this. After 7 days of sickness, certificates are available from your doctor and you will need to make an appointment for this. Any other certificate requests will involve a charge.

Smoking Cessation

Advice is available on a 1-1 basis from our Nurse team who are trained stop smoking advisors. They will be able to advise you on the health benefits of quitting and prescribe you medication to help you quit. Appointments are available Monday - Friday.

Young People Services

Please contact the surgery to make an appointment to discuss anything that might be bothering you, e.g. skin problems, medical problems, contraception, sexual health, etc. Sometimes it can be difficult for young people to involve their parents in their concerns and it is our policy that everyone (regardless of age) has a right to confidential advice.

For more information on our medical services and clinics, for clinic times and to book appointments, please call us on 01403 274700.